Columbus Avenue Bus Lanes and Pedestrian Improvements Update
Updated on February 22, 2021

The raised platforms at all eight new bus stops are complete.
Crews are continuing to install utility connections at the new platforms to serve the new lighting and safety features. Once the shelters, benches, and other amenities are added, these stops will serve the future center-running bus lanes.
Crews are also placing new signage and installing new traffic signals and pavement markings.
We anticipate the new bus lane to begin operating this spring, bringing a faster, more reliable trip and saving riders 4 – 7 minutes along the corridor.
Learn more about the Columbus Avenue project
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.
Related Projects
Travel Impacts and Work Schedule
The work will occur Mondays through Fridays, from approximately 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM each day.
For safety reasons, there may be occasional lane reductions, parking space removals, and minor detours for pedestrians around work zones.
Due to the work on Columbus Ave, stops may be temporarily relocated/closed through early 2021. Please follow the posted signs for temporary stop locations and nearest connection points.
Entrances to abutting properties may be temporarily adjusted around the work zones. However, our goal is to maintain access for businesses and private properties at all times.
The schedule for this major infrastructure project is weather-dependent and subject to change without notice.
More Information
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Related Work
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.